About: The Real Jerry Watson

Who are you becoming on your journey in life? On this page we will investigate what it means to be your "True Authentic Self!" "The Real You!" Your authentic self is who you really are deep down. Although learning how to be your authentic self is an essential part of building meaningful relationships. It goes beyond what you do for a living, what material possessions you own, or who you are to someone else. It's the part of you that doesn't care what others think. Authenticity happens when your words, actions, and behaviors consistently align and match who you are at your deepest core.

We will do this through an investigation and examination of your past experiences, who you are now, your current relationships and your level of knowledge wisdom and understanding of life, religion, and spirituality. So, what have you done to get to where you are, what did you learn, and who did you become in the process? So I ask each and everyone...Who is "The Real You" and, "What's Your Journey?

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